Heard of Driver’s License Discrimination? It’s a Thing

We know it is common to ask about transportation and driver’s licensure during the application process for many jobs. A new law addresses this.

Effective January 1, 2025, California Senate Bill 1100 (Gov. Code Sec. 12940), prohibits employers from requiring a driver’s license in job postings unless the prospective job meets a two-part test: (1) driving must be a job function, and (2) alternative transportation must be impractical in terms of cost or time.

This change aims to remove employment barriers for qualified candidates without licenses. Violations may result in injunctions, damages, legal fees, and costs..

To comply, employers should:

Determine if your existing or contemplated job posting (recruitment or hiring) practices require a driver’s license

Assess job roles to see if they meet the test

Update job descriptions and postings accordingly

Review handbooks and policies for necessary changes

Train hiring staff to avoid unnecessary license inquiries

Reminder: California employment laws change constantly. Your employment practices must be kept up to date and communicated to workers in an acknowledged handbook. This is an ideal time to update your employee handbook and confirm your policies comply with current law. We are pleased to assist. Contact us here.


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